Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How To Wake Up Early In The Morning


Having a wake up problems , don't worry i am here to help you for that. 

Just like you i was having Problems ,  waking up early and not to be in a bad mood or not to be sleepy all that i wanted to do. But not matter what i did nothing worked till then i find this 4 steps .

By following this 4 steps now i can wake up at any time i want .

So here i am gonna share my Secret 

Step 1 : Knowing The Optimal Number of Hours of Sleep You Require.

Before even you start waking up early first find the optimal number of sleep you require .
So if you had question what is optimal number of sleep and why you need to find it out ? . So here is my answer for that , i had personally experienced that if i get sleep of 6 hours to 6.5 hours in night , then i am in a great mood , with full of energy when i get up in the morning . But if i get sleep less than or more than this much of sleep than either i will be not in a great mood or i feel sleepy all the day long, and there will be burning sensation in my eyes. It's a myth that more number of sleep hours make you happy , more excited in the morning. Getting more number of sleep make us more lazy in the morning.

So how can you track your sleep . Here my tips for that.
For tracking of your sleeps you will need a fit bi (fitness band) . I had used this fit bi by MI .

Amazon Link : Click Here To Buy This one i had used personally. 

The another one i had shown below have more function and low cost due to sell . If you want to buy then just order it before the sale is over.
Amazon Link : Click Here To Buy There is sale right now this .

Here screen shot from my mobile.
So from this i can see for how many hours i slept , at what time i fall asleep and waked up. 
So when you wake up in the morning , think about how you feel and look at the number of hours you slept for . And wary your number of hours of sleep . One day sleep for 6 hours , then 6.30 hours , then 7 hours . And find out what's OPTIMAL number of sleep you need.

2) Sleep Earlier To Wake Up Earlier

Now you have known how many hours of sleep you required , then you can decide at what time you need to go to the bed. Why i told you to go early to bed , because  had seen  many people that they go to bed at 11 pm and they don't go into sleeping state till 12 pm also. So you need to go to bed like 10 or 10.30 pm , so till 11 pm you get into the sleepy state. 

3) Decide When To Wake Up

People used sentence like i need to wake up early , but my friend can you define the word early. 
You can't just say early , how can you measure that it is early. You need to have to fix a time that i want to wake up at 5 pm or 4.30 pm anytime you want just pick it up .


Now the biggest question i am going to ask you. 
Why you want to wake up early ?
Why you had thought of waking up earlier ? 

The word WHY had some much of importance in it. 

Life tip : Before you take any decision in your life know your why . When you have choice , first ask why then take decision.
First work on your why , you will get the answer of How .

I am sharing my experience . I am from that % of students that do last day studying. So back in college days , a night before exam i was going to bed at 12 pm and on the next  morning i was waking up at 4 am. And i just start reading for exam. And on other day even i went to bed at 10 pm i was not able to wake up at 5 or 6 am. We all had this type of experience , try to recall it. 

Want to know the important of WHY . Then read this awesome book by Simon Sinek .

Amazon Link : Click Here To Buy

For more tips Tips For Waking Up Early

Have any doubt or query feel free to contact or comment.

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